Какой день?

Всемирный день поэзии

Когда: 21 марта

Всемирный день поэзии 21 марта 1 The World Poetry Day, celebrated every year on March 21st, is a day dedicated to promoting the reading, writing, and appreciation of poetry around the globe. This day was proclaimed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999, with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard.

Poetry is a powerful form of literary art that has the ability to touch our hearts, inspire our minds, and connect us with our emotions. It can be a means of self-expression, a reflection of society, a tool for social change, and a way to celebrate the beauty of language. World Poetry Day seeks to recognize and celebrate the unique ability of poetry to capture the essence of the human experience and to unite people across cultures and generations.
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On this day, events and activities are organized worldwide to celebrate the art of poetry. These may include poetry readings, spoken word performances, workshops, competitions, and exhibitions. UNESCO encourages schools, libraries, cultural centers, and poets themselves to participate in these activities and promote the importance of poetry in society.

One of the main objectives of World Poetry Day is to support linguistic diversity and the preservation of endangered languages. By celebrating poetry in different languages and dialects, this day helps to raise awareness about the richness of linguistic heritage and the importance of preserving these cultural traditions. Through poetry, speakers of endangered languages can share their stories, traditions, and values with the world, ensuring that their voices are not lost.
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World Poetry Day also aims to promote creativity and inspire young people to engage with poetry. By encouraging children and teenagers to read, write, and perform poetry, this day helps to nurture their creativity, imagination, and empathy. Poetry can be a powerful tool for self-expression and personal growth, allowing young people to explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a creative and constructive way.

Furthermore, World Poetry Day highlights the role of poetry in promoting dialogue, understanding, and peace. Poetry has the power to transcend borders and bring people together through shared emotions and experiences. By fostering intercultural dialogue and mutual respect, poetry can contribute to building a more peaceful and inclusive world.

In conclusion, World Poetry Day is a celebration of the universal language of poetry and its ability to inspire, unite, and empower us. By promoting the reading, writing, and appreciation of poetry, this day supports linguistic diversity, creativity, and intercultural dialogue. Through poetry, we can connect with our shared humanity, celebrate our differences, and envision a more harmonious world. Let us take this opportunity to embrace the beauty of poetry and its transformative power in our lives.

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