Какой день?

Праздник голодных духов, Фестиваль призраков

Когда: 3 мая

Где отмечается: Китай, Вьетнам, Сингапур

Праздник голодных духов, Фестиваль призраков 3 мая 1 Hungry Ghost Festival, also known as the Zhongyuan Festival, Yu Lan Jie, or simply Ghost Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month. This year, it falls on August 22nd, 2021. The festival is observed primarily in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and some Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

The origins of the Hungry Ghost Festival can be traced back to Buddhist and Taoist beliefs. According to Chinese folklore, the gates of the underworld are opened during the 7th lunar month, allowing the spirits of the deceased to revisit the living world. It is believed that these restless spirits roam the earth in search of food and entertainment, hence the name "Hungry Ghosts."

During the festival, people perform various rituals and ceremonies to honor their ancestors and appease the wandering spirits. One of the most common practices is the offering of food, incense, and other offerings to the spirits. Families set up elaborate altars with fruits, cakes, and other delicacies to please the ghosts and seek their blessings.

Another key feature of the Hungry Ghost Festival is the burning of joss paper, also known as ghost money. It is believed that burning these symbolic items will provide the spirits with the resources they need in the afterlife. In some regions, there are also performances of traditional Chinese opera and other cultural events to entertain both the living and the dead.

In addition to paying homage to deceased ancestors, the Hungry Ghost Festival also serves as a time for reflection and self-purification. Many people believe that during this period, the barriers between the physical and spiritual worlds are more porous, making it an auspicious time to seek forgiveness, make amends, and resolve any lingering conflicts with the past.
Праздник голодных духов, Фестиваль призраков 3 мая 2
In some communities, the Hungry Ghost Festival is seen as an opportunity to perform acts of charity and kindness. People may offer donations to temples, feed the hungry, or take part in other altruistic activities to accumulate merit and positive karma.

Despite its deep cultural and religious significance, the Hungry Ghost Festival has also evolved into a time for social gatherings, feasting, and merrymaking. In many Asian countries, elaborate street processions, lantern displays, and dance performances are organized to mark the occasion. The festival truly embodies the spirit of unity, remembrance, and celebration.

One of the most famous and grand celebrations of the Hungry Ghost Festival can be found in Singapore. The city-state boasts a vibrant multicultural society that embraces diverse customs and traditions. During the festival, Singaporeans of Chinese descent visit temples, burn incense, and make offerings to their ancestors.

The streets of Singapore come alive with colorful processions, street performances, and elaborate decorations. Traditional Chinese opera shows, known as "wayang," are staged in various neighborhoods, captivating audiences with their dramatic storytelling and music.

Another highlight of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Singapore is the "getai" performances. These outdoor concerts feature live music, dance, and comedy acts, drawing large crowds of locals and tourists alike. It is believed that the getai shows entertain both the living and the spirits, ensuring a festive and joyful atmosphere.
Праздник голодных духов, Фестиваль призраков 3 мая 3
In Vietnam, the Hungry Ghost Festival is known as Vu Lan or Tet Trung Nguyen. The festival holds great significance in Vietnamese culture, as it is a time to express filial piety, gratitude, and compassion towards ancestors and deceased loved ones.

During Vu Lan, Vietnamese people visit pagodas and temples to pray for the souls of the departed. They offer flowers, fruits, and other offerings to honor their ancestors and seek blessings for the living. Monks and nuns lead ceremonies and recite sutras to guide the spirits on their journey.

In rural areas of Vietnam, families often gather for a special meal to commemorate the occasion. They set an extra place at the table for deceased relatives and light incense to invite their spirits to join the feast. It is a solemn yet heartwarming tradition that reinforces the bonds between the living and the dead.

In conclusion, the Hungry Ghost Festival is an ancient and vibrant tradition that celebrates the spiritual connection between the living and the deceased. It offers a unique opportunity to honor ancestors, seek forgiveness, and reflect on the cycle of life and death. Whether observed in China, Vietnam, Singapore, or other Asian countries, the festival showcases the cultural richness and diversity of the region, making it a truly unforgettable experience for all who participate.

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