Какой день?

Новый год Парси

Когда: 10 сентября

Где отмечается: Индия

Новый год Парси 10 сентября 1 Parsi New Year, also known as Navroz or Nowruz, is a significant cultural and religious festival celebrated by the Parsi community in India. This auspicious day marks the beginning of the Parsi calendar and is a time for joy, feasting, and renewal. The Parsi New Year falls on the 10th day of the Parsi month of Farvardin, which usually corresponds to the month of August or September in the Gregorian calendar.

The Parsi community in India, also known as Zoroastrians, follows the ancient Zoroastrian religion that was founded by the prophet Zarathustra in ancient Persia. The Parsi New Year is a time for them to reflect on the past year, seek forgiveness for their sins, and make resolutions for the year ahead. It is a time of spiritual introspection and renewal, where they pray for health, happiness, and prosperity for themselves and their loved ones.

One of the most important aspects of Parsi New Year celebrations is the ritual of setting up a beautiful, colorful display known as the 'haft-seen' table. This table is adorned with seven symbolic items that begin with the letter 'S' in Persian. These items may include wheat or barley sprouts (representing rebirth and growth), apples (symbolizing beauty and health), vinegar (for patience and wisdom), garlic (for protection), sumac berries (for sunrise and new beginnings), coins (for prosperity), and a mirror (for reflection and self-awareness).
Новый год Парси 10 сентября 2
On Parsi New Year, families come together to pray, feast, and exchange gifts. They visit their local fire temples, or Agiaries, to offer prayers and seek blessings for the year ahead. The day is also marked by traditional Parsi dishes, such as dhansak, patra ni machhi, and lagan nu custard, which are shared with family and friends.

In addition to the religious rituals and feasting, Parsi New Year is also a time for cultural celebrations. Many Parsi communities organize social events, concerts, and plays to commemorate the occasion. Traditional Parsi music and dance performances are also held to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the community.

One of the most popular customs associated with Parsi New Year is the practice of wearing new clothes and visiting friends and relatives to exchange greetings and gifts. It is believed that wearing new clothes on this day brings good luck and prosperity for the year ahead. People also decorate their homes with colorful rangoli designs and flowers to create a festive and welcoming atmosphere.
Новый год Парси 10 сентября 3
As part of the Parsi New Year celebrations, charity and giving back to the community are also emphasized. Many Parsi organizations and individuals participate in philanthropic activities, such as donating to the needy, feeding the homeless, and supporting educational and healthcare initiatives.

Overall, Parsi New Year is a time of joy, reflection, and renewal for the Parsi community in India. It is a celebration of faith, culture, and tradition that brings people together to pray, feast, and share in the blessings of a new beginning. As the Parsi community looks forward to the year ahead, they do so with hope, optimism, and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them. May the Parsi New Year bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to all who celebrate this auspicious occasion.

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