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День поста и духовных практик «Варутхини Экадаши»

Когда: 6 июня

Где отмечается: Индия

День поста и духовных практик «Варутхини Экадаши» 6 июня 1 Varuthini Ekadashi, also known as Baruthani Ekadashi, is a significant day for Hindus in India. It falls on the eleventh day (Ekadashi) of the waxing phase of the moon in the Hindu calendar month of Vaishakha. This day is dedicated to fasting, prayer, and spiritual practices to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu.

The word "Varuthini" means fortified or armored, symbolizing the protective power of this Ekadashi. It is believed that observing a fast on Varuthini Ekadashi helps in purifying the body and mind, and brings about spiritual growth and well-being.

On this day, devotees wake up early, take a bath, wear clean clothes, and visit Vishnu temples to offer prayers and seek blessings. Many people observe a strict fast, abstaining from food and water for the entire day. Some may consume only fruits, milk, and specific foods allowed during Ekadashi fasting.
День поста и духовных практик «Варутхини Экадаши» 6 июня 2
Fasting on Varuthini Ekadashi is believed to cleanse the body of toxins, improve digestion, and purify the mind. It is also considered a way to atone for past sins and seek forgiveness from the divine. The fast is broken on the next day, Dwadashi, after offering prayers and food to Brahmins or priests.

Apart from fasting, devotees engage in various spiritual practices such as singing bhajans, reciting Vishnu Sahasranama (thousand names of Lord Vishnu), reading scriptures, and meditating on the significance of Ekadashi. It is believed that sincere devotion and prayer on Varuthini Ekadashi can lead to the fulfillment of wishes, removal of obstacles, and spiritual enlightenment.

In some regions of India, special events and processions are organized on Varuthini Ekadashi. Temples are decorated with flowers and lights, and devotees participate in rituals and ceremonies conducted by priests. The atmosphere is filled with devotion, incense, and the melodious chanting of hymns dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
День поста и духовных практик «Варутхини Экадаши» 6 июня 3
The story behind Varuthini Ekadashi dates back to ancient times and is mentioned in the Hindu scriptures. It is said that once there was a demon named Mura who troubled the gods and sages. In order to seek protection, they approached Lord Vishnu, who advised them to observe the Varuthini Ekadashi fast. By doing so, they were able to overcome the demon and receive the blessings of Vishnu.

The significance of Varuthini Ekadashi lies in its ability to cleanse the soul, purify the mind, and strengthen the bond between the devotee and the divine. It is a day of introspection, self-discipline, and spiritual renewal. By observing this sacred day with sincerity and devotion, one can experience inner peace, divine grace, and spiritual upliftment.

In conclusion, Varuthini Ekadashi is a day of fasting, prayer, and spiritual practices dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It symbolizes protection, purification, and spiritual growth for the devotees. By observing this Ekadashi with faith and devotion, one can experience the blessings of Vishnu, seek forgiveness for past sins, and attain spiritual enlightenment. May this auspicious day bring peace, prosperity, and divine grace to all.

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