Какой день?

День освобождения Киркука

Когда: 30 августа

Где отмечается: США

День освобождения Киркука 30 августа 1 "Kirkuk Liberation Day" is observed in the United States on August 30th each year to commemorate the liberation of Kirkuk, a city in Iraq, from ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) control. This day celebrates the successful military operation led by Iraqi security forces, supported by the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, including the United States. The liberation of Kirkuk was a significant milestone in the fight against ISIS and the broader effort to stabilize Iraq.

The city of Kirkuk holds immense strategic and symbolic value due to its oil resources and diverse population. It had been under ISIS control for over two years, during which time the terrorist group committed atrocities, enforced brutal laws, and caused widespread suffering among the local population.
День освобождения Киркука 30 августа 2
The liberation of Kirkuk began on August 30, 2017, when Iraqi forces, backed by coalition air support and advisors, launched a large-scale offensive to retake the city. The operation involved a combination of ground assaults, airstrikes, and coordinated maneuvers to weaken and ultimately defeat ISIS forces in the area.

The battle for Kirkuk was fierce, with ISIS militants putting up a determined resistance. However, the superior firepower and tactics of the Iraqi forces, supported by coalition airpower, gradually pushed the militants back. After several days of intense fighting, Iraqi forces succeeded in driving ISIS out of Kirkuk and restoring government control over the city.
День освобождения Киркука 30 августа 3
The liberation of Kirkuk was not only a military victory but also a symbolic one. It demonstrated the resolve of the Iraqi government and its allies to confront and defeat terrorism. It also marked a turning point in the fight against ISIS, showing that the terrorist group could be defeated and its territorial gains reversed.

In the years since the liberation of Kirkuk, efforts have been made to rebuild the city and restore normalcy to the lives of its residents. The Iraqi government, with the support of the international community, has worked to improve security, provide essential services, and promote reconciliation among the city's diverse ethnic and religious communities.

Kirkuk Liberation Day is a time to honor the sacrifices made by Iraqi security forces, coalition partners, and the people of Kirkuk in the fight against ISIS. It is also a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by Iraq as it seeks to rebuild and secure a peaceful future for all its citizens.

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