Какой день?

День независимости от Португалии

Когда: 12 декабря

Где отмечается: Гвинея-Бисау

День независимости от Португалии 12 декабря 1 The National Day of Guinea-Bissau, celebrated on December 12th, commemorates the country's independence from Portuguese colonial rule. This significant day marks a pivotal moment in Guinea-Bissau's history, symbolizing the nation's struggle for self-determination, sovereignty, and freedom.

Guinea-Bissau, a small West African country bordered by Senegal and Guinea, was colonized by Portugal in the 15th century during the age of European exploration and conquest. For centuries, the Portuguese maintained control over Guinea-Bissau, exploiting its resources and imposing their culture and governance on the indigenous population.

However, the desire for independence began to ferment among the people of Guinea-Bissau in the mid-20th century, fueled by growing nationalist sentiments and widespread discontent with colonial rule. Led by charismatic leaders such as Amílcar Cabral and others, the struggle for independence gained momentum, culminating in a protracted armed conflict known as the Guinea-Bissau War of Independence.
День независимости от Португалии 12 декабря 2
The guerrilla warfare tactics employed by the nationalist movement, particularly the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), proved instrumental in weakening Portuguese control and garnering international support for Guinea-Bissau's quest for independence. After years of resistance and sacrifice, Guinea-Bissau finally achieved independence on September 24, 1973, when the PAIGC declared the country's independence from Portuguese colonial rule.

December 12th holds special significance in Guinea-Bissau's journey to independence as it marks the date when the United Nations officially recognized Guinea-Bissau as an independent and sovereign nation in 1974. This momentous occasion is celebrated annually as the National Day, with festivities, ceremonies, and events held throughout the country to honor the achievements and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom.

On National Day, the people of Guinea-Bissau come together to commemorate their nation's independence with a sense of pride, unity, and patriotism. The day typically begins with official ceremonies attended by government officials, dignitaries, and military personnel, including a flag-raising ceremony and the singing of the national anthem.
День независимости от Португалии 12 декабря 3
Throughout the day, there are cultural performances, parades, and exhibitions showcasing Guinea-Bissau's rich heritage, traditions, and cultural diversity. Traditional music, dance, and attire play a central role in the celebrations, reflecting the vibrancy and resilience of the Guinean people.

National Day also provides an opportunity for reflection on the challenges and opportunities facing Guinea-Bissau as a young and developing nation. While independence marked a significant milestone in Guinea-Bissau's history, the country has faced numerous socio-economic and political challenges in the years since, including instability, poverty, corruption, and regional conflicts.

Despite these challenges, National Day serves as a reminder of Guinea-Bissau's resilience, determination, and potential for progress. It is a time to reaffirm the nation's commitment to democracy, peace, and development, and to honor the sacrifices of those who fought for the freedoms and rights enjoyed by all Guineans today.

As Guinea-Bissau celebrates National Day on December 12th each year, it reflects on its past, embraces its present, and looks forward to a future of peace, prosperity, and unity as a proud and independent nation on the African continent.

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